Guidance. Explanation. Insight.

What we do

We help you make your product the best it can be.

We are a specialist provider of technical knowledge to consumer product ('hard goods') manufacturers, UK importers and retailers.  

We are here to help you get your product to market successfully, by checking its legality and fitness for purpose, assisting with instruction manuals and accompanying material, advising on production quality and legal documentation, and, in the event there are problems, fault diagnosis and corrective actions.  Please see the 'Services' page for further detail.

Please see the 'Product types' page for those which are our main expertise, although if something is not listed, please enquire, as we may still be able to support.

We pride ourselves on our flexibility - our services are tailored to your requirements - and our rates are competitive - please contact us for a discussion/quote as to how we may best meet your needs.

The bodhi tree

The tree symbolises the path to knowledge through understanding

'Bodhi' literally means "to have woken up and understood" [1].  Understanding is "not achieved by some sudden illumination, but via a process of realisation, or coming to understanding" [2].

Whilst we would not presume to reach the heights of this ideal, our aim is to provide you and your customers with more thorough knowledge and new insights on how to best manufacture and use the products you sell, through clear and easily understood information and explanation.  In this sense we hope to make a small contribution towards the sentiment embodied by the Bodhi tree.


[1] Fischer-Schreiber, Ingrid; Ehrhard, Franz-Karl; Diener, Michael S. (2008), Lexicon Boeddhisme. Wijsbegeerte, religie, psychologie, mystiek, cultuur an literatuur.
[2] Cohen, Robert S. (2006), Beyond Enlightenment: Buddhism, Religion, Modernity.

Bodhi Technical Logo

Business information

Name of company

Bodhi Technical Ltd, registered in England #13516600

Registered office

26 Chestnut Avenue, Riddings, Alfreton, Derbys DE55 4EE

VAT no.

We are not currently registered for VAT.

Terms of Business

Our full terms of business will be supplied to prospective clients on request.


We understand your product information may be commercially sensitive, therefore all data shared with us will be treated in strictest confidence and not shared with any other parties without your express consent (we are also happy to participate in any Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) you may have).

Where requested, we can also support encrypted communications.


The information on this website is provided in good faith and whilst we endeavour to keep the content up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the availability, or suitability for any specific purpose, of any services mentioned herein.


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